Kasra’s Story

We want to create an online space for refugees to share their stories of living in the UK and dealing with COVID-19. If you would like to share your story please click here.

*All names are changed in order to stay in line with our confidentiality policy.

During this pandemic I offered voluntary work to a pharmacy by walking deliveries to elder patients. 

I dispense medicines in the pharmacy and used to go out to deliver the medicines at vulnerable patients home. I am glad I have done something for this country and their people.

Fingers crossed upon getting a status, and then I will enroll for further studies in pharmacy training programs and technician roles.

I was so depressed because of my uncertain status from the Home Office and my anxiety levels were worse. But then I realised, why not use my skills and knowledge. I should utilise these in a positive way to pay back to the society. I didn’t stop a single day and tried my best to offer voluntary work to the community.

May somebody’s prayers solve my problems. Thank you.

We are so grateful to hear all stories of people coping with lockdown or COVID-19. If you would like to share your story please click here.


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